We've rounded up the best palaces in Bethlehem on our website to discover brilliant architecture. There are 6 Bethlehem palaces to pick from. Find the perfect places to go with your friends and family and get out on your next adventure!

Herodion Palace
This castle was built in a circular shape on top of a hill 6 km southeast of Bethlehem.

Jacir Palace
You will not get bored while staring and meditating for hours on the landmarks,

Hermas Palace
It is located in the city of Bethlehem, built in 1910. It is close to the campus of Bethlehem University;

Morcos Nassar Palace
Morcos Nassar Palace is located in Haret Al-Anatara in the Old City of Bethlehem.

Shahwan Palace "Dar Salah Palace"
It is located in Beit Jala, built by the Shahwan family, on an area of 500 square meters in 1917